Traffic Control Person (TCP / Flagger) Certification
TCP / Flagger Certification for Vancouver, Surrey, Abbotsford and nearby cities.
Standardized Traffic Control Person (TCP/FLAG PERSON)
Construction flagging is a challenging job and needs the utmost attention and care. The TCP certification program is required to be completed prior to becoming a flagger. CSA approved steel toed boots with ankle support are required during this course.
Once completed, each graduating student is issued a three-year certificate that allows them the ability to work anywhere in BC as a Traffic Control Person. This is recognized by WorkSafeBC as a valid High-Risk TCP certificate in the province. There is a multiple choice exam that requires a minimum score of 80%. There is also a practical skills session on the roadway that each student must pass.
Upcoming Classes
Minimum Age to Take the Course
A person must be at least 16 years old and have the physical ability to perform the skills required to complete the learning tasks. No previous training is required.
Course Length
The duration of this course is 16 hours over 2 days. Saturday and Sunday classes are also available.
Course Fee
$260.00 + GST
*Please be advised we have a 6 business day cancellation policy. *
**Please Note: If you are already registered for a class and you go to one of our other locations, in error and are late to your course, you will not be permitted into the class. If your class is on the weekend, please be advised there will be no office staff in to monitor the phones. Please ensure that you arrive at least 15 minutes early for your class!**
Course Content
- Roles and responsibilities of TCPs, employers and supervisors
- Regulations and standards, including those set out by the Ministry of
- Transportation, WorkSafeBC and the Motor Vehicle Act
- Traffic control equipment and devices, including personal protective equipment
- Setting up, maintaining and removing work zones
- Working around equipment
- Basic and advanced traffic control skills
Note: This course is provided in collboration with THE UNIVERSAL GROUP